A few months ago, REM Audiology installed several HyperSound systems in our offices. HyperSound is an exciting new sound amplification technology that uses ultrasound waves and special, directional speakers to send focused sound to the listener. It’s a new way to experience sound from your home entertainment system.

Patients are encouraged to come in and try this exciting new technology. In our Voorhees office listening room (a dedicated room designed to feel like a home living room), you can experience firsthand what it’s like to hear the tv as if it were right inside your ears.

According to hypersound.com, “HyperSound’s audio travels in a focused direction along a narrow beam, unlike typical point source loudspeakers that emit sound waves in all directions.” This produces an immersive effect, and is “…almost like wearing headphones.”

“The product, a controller module and a pair of thin-filmed reflecting speakers can be used with standard TV speakers or a home theater setup,” writes Mike Snider in USA Today. And “…you don’t even hear the HyperSound unless you are sitting in that spot.”

HyperSound Clear can be experienced and appreciated by anybody, but the benefits for those hard of hearing are immense.

It’s the perfect solution for people who feel they are not quite ready for hearing aids but express difficulty understanding dialogue on their television. The benefits from HyperSound Clear can absolutely be experienced without hearing aids.

But HyperSound can absolutely be used in conjunction with existing hearing technology. For those with profound hearing loss, this might be the most effective solution. Rodney Schutt, former president of Widex and the current GM of Turtle Beach / Hypersound, says:

“We have an incredible gateway product. The product works masterfully with hearing aids. People with severe hearing losses approaching profound still struggle with all the other solutions available with hearing aids to be able to watch TV. Most of them will tell you that they still have to use the closed captions. It’s a beautiful solution to marry those hearing aid wearers with HyperSound.”

Mashable writes, “the audio coming out of your TV feels lie it’s playing right inside your ears. Dialogue reminds crisp and clear, even as ambient noise rises up in the background.”

We at REM Audiology are really excited about this product, and we urge anyone who might be interested to come in and try it out free of charge. Let’s bring listening back to the living room!

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The purpose of this hearing assessment and/or demonstration is for hearing wellness and to determine if the consumer may benefit from using hearing aids, which may include selling and fitting hearing aids. Products demonstrated may differ from products sold. Assessment conclusion is not a medical diagnosis and further testing may be required to diagnose hearing loss. The use of any hearing aid may not fully restore normal hearing and does not prevent future hearing loss. Hearing instruments may not meet the needs of all hearing-impaired individuals.