Though REM recommends annual hearing tests for anyone over the age of 55, hearing problems can occur at anytime, in any age.

Should I get a hearing test if I have no symptoms?

Though the obvious symptoms (such as problems hearing speech in noise, or a decreasing ability to retain spoken or audible information) are often what send people to the audiologist, those who hear fine but fall into certain risk categories should still get their hearing tested.

Exposure to continual noise (whether occupational or recreational), a family history of hearing loss, even certain illnesses and medications can all cause hearing loss down the line.


Experiencing Symptoms

If you do find yourself struggling with speech in noise and intelligibility, it’s really time to get tested.

Hearing impairment can either be temporary or permanent, and either one requires the attendance of an audiologist. If temporary, the audiologist will walk you through sound dampening options and lifestyle changes so your hearing doesn’t permanently disappear. If permanent, hearing aids or assistive listening devices will be discussed so you’ll be able to accurately maintain and manage your hearing.

No matter what type of loss you have, there’s no reason to assume you won’t be able to participate normally in your every day activities.


No Symptoms, No Risk Factors

Hearing screenings are often encouraged for younger children. According to, “Hearing loss is not confined to those with risk factors – approximately 40% of all children ultimately identified with sensorineural hearing loss do not have an established risk factor; therefore, universal screening is recommended.”

Hearing tests like these can often be carried out when the child is young, even before release from the hospital a few days after birth, but another hearing screening should also be conducted when the child is a little bit older.

The American Speech-Language Hearing Association says, “School-age hearing screenings are an integral tool in identifying children with hearing loss who were not identified at birth, lost to follow-up, or who developed hearing loss later. Without mandated routine hearing screenings in schools, students with unilateral, less severe or late onset hearing loss may not be identified or will be misdiagnosed and managed.”


Hearing is Important

Your hearing is important, so if you have symptoms, find yourself in several risk categories, or have a child who has never had a hearing screening, we at REM encourage you to come in for a hearing test. It’s always better to test and know than to wonder and worry about a possible hearing loss.

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The purpose of this hearing assessment and/or demonstration is for hearing wellness and to determine if the consumer may benefit from using hearing aids, which may include selling and fitting hearing aids. Products demonstrated may differ from products sold. Assessment conclusion is not a medical diagnosis and further testing may be required to diagnose hearing loss. The use of any hearing aid may not fully restore normal hearing and does not prevent future hearing loss. Hearing instruments may not meet the needs of all hearing-impaired individuals.