Last week we talked about Hypersound, this week we want to talk about another important piece of technology for the hard of hearing: Caption Call.
CaptionCall is a technologically advanced telephone, one that has voice to text capabilities, large font display, customizable audio, and a visual ringer. With an internet connection, the phone also updates automatically, without your having to do anything.
How CaptionCall works is easy. The phone does most of the work. When a CaptionCall phone receives or dials out a call, a service center automatically receives and transcribes the voice for the user with hearing loss. The calls are transcribed by a real person, so error is limited. Your information and phone calls are also secure. All transmissions are encrypted and FCC regulated.
REM has CaptionCall phones to try out in office. They are hearing aid compatible, and strongly recommended for people who find themselves struggling to listen and comprehend over the phone.